
31 August 2010

sleeping on a cloud

They say that one third of the average person's life is spent sleeping. 

I personally think that Me&Ry are above average in the amount of our life that is spent dreaming.

Catching Zzz's is actually one of our most favorite pastimes.
We believe in making this 1/3 of our life as comfortable as possible..
SO we bought an amazing, unbelievable,
incredible mattress topper for our bed!

(three stories high!)

Throw in cold white sheets, a big fluffy comforter, and we have a recipe for the world's most comfortable bed!

We feel like we are sleeping on a cloud just like this little guy...

best purchase ever!

27 August 2010

california love

Last week, Me&Ry were able to take a last minute summer trip to California!

For the last 20+ years, Ryan's entire Skousen side has gone to Oceanside and stayed in condos right on the beach.  

We have been looking forward to this trip all summer!

After I finished my last final at 8 pm, we hopped in the car and started our trip.
We got to Vegas late, and crashed for the night.

Luckily we got to see my dad in Vegas and eat a little OPH! So good.

After breakfast, we got back in the car and made it to Oceanside by the afternoon.

We spent the weekend sitting on the beach with the fam, reading our books, and relaxing.

I can't lie, this summer has been really tough on both of us! Taking four semesters of school without a break has been truly brutal.  Luckily we got to take a break from it all on the beach!

We had to check out of the condo on Sunday, but we headed up to Orange County to finish our trip.

We were able to stay at my Aunt Jana's house which was so nice! She lives about 5 minutes from the beach and so we were able to extend our trip a little longer.

Our trip to California was full of...

the beach
good books
quality time together
Johnny Mañana's
bike rides
BJ's pizza
driving with the windows down
donut runs
Ryan golfing with his dad
Jack's surfboards
Togo's sandwiches
Salt Creek beach
and some good old quality time together.

Seriously, I cried when we had to leave.  I was NOT ready for my amazing break from school and work to be over...
We can't wait to go back!

06 August 2010

you're in my heart... {happy one year!}

Last weekend, Me&Ry celebrated our one year wedding anniversary!

We decided to celebrate with a little weekend getaway to Park City.
We were fortunate enough to stay at the absolutely amazing
Hotel Park City on Saturday night.

We got a little dinner on Main Street, and walked through the streets laughing and holding hands... it couldn't have been any better. 
Park City felt so romantic that night! It was great to get away from it all.

We woke up in the morning and had a delicious brunch at Ruth's Diner. We got to sit outside and listen to a live band play music while we ate and talked.

The entire day (our actual anniversary), we reminisced about our first year together.  
I love thinking about what the future holds.  

Seriously, time flies.
I can't believe it has already been one year since our wedding day!

We have experienced so much together in one year!
our wedding
a fabulous honeymoon
moving into our first apartment
a tough school year
getting jobs
not having a job..
promotions at work
missing each other when we're apart
being together for days on end
a lack of cable
too much Hulu
family vacations
our first Christmas
going to the temple together
playing the Wii
fun surprises
stupid arguments
cleaning up after each other
staying up way too late
good cooking
so many weekend dates
and just being together.

Every day is a joy when I'm with Ryan.

I feel incredibly lucky to be married to my best friend.

"You're in my heart
 you're in my soul
 you'll be my breath should I grow old
you are my lover
you're my best friend,
you're in my soul."
--Rod Stewart

one year down.. forever to go!