Although I love taking pictures as a way to remember things, I find it so annoying to lug my "real" camera around everywhere.
I use the camera on my iPhone a lot to capture the little random moments of every day life.
Although some of these random pictures may have seemed silly or meaningless when I took them, it was fun to clump them together and remember a great year.
a few iPhone photos from 2010:
A yummy pesto and fresh tomato pizza I made (with homemade dough)
my adorable b-day cake
cute Ryan at Michelle and Aaron's wedding
frosty Mexican cokes (the big ones)
peonies bought for me by my love
our cute little sister Rachel and her pup Coco
Saturday morning donut run
date night at The Cheesecake Factory
Ryan hanging in our guest room
The Coogs playing in Provo
the Logan Temple - LOTOJA weekend
The Skousen fam after Rachel's baptism
setting up our TV - huge family purchase
random deer running across campus
terrifying car and license plate (WHIRLWIND)
a yearbook snapshot of my little football star (Stapley Jr. High haha!)
the very first snow of the year covering our cars
It is obvious to me that we love food.. or at least taking pictures of food. I had completely forgotten about many of these pictures until I went back through to pick out my favorites.
This year I plan to take a lot more!
haha i know, its pathetic how many of my pictures and activities completely revolve around food.