
09 October 2011

fall and visitors

Fall is here. We have said farewell to summer and there is beauty all around with this change of season. There is so much excitement in the air and the approaching holidays are on my mind. Me&Ry are looking forward to corn mazes, pumpkin patches, costumes and getting together with friends. There are no words to describe how incredibly beautiful the color-filled mountains are outside our window. It is a wonderful time to be alive.

Conference weekend was picture perfect. It was unseasonably warm and the most gorgeous shades of yellow and red began to appear in the trees. To make the weekend even better, Madison and Nate came for a visit! I am so lucky to have a very close cousin who is also one of my best friends.
We have so much fun with these two!

Friday when they got into town, Ryan and Nate headed straight out to the golf course. Mads and I sat on my bed just talking and catching up on everything. There is no shortage of conversation when we are together.

We had an amazing dinner at Sundance. We have been looking for an excuse to eat at The Foundry Grill and it did not disappoint. There is nothing better than a delicious dinner in a romantic setting with the best company. Dinner was followed by dessert at The Sweet Tooth Fairy. We welcome any excuse to indulge in their baked goodness.

We attended the Saturday morning session of General Conference. We felt such a sweet and strong spirit in the conference center. The best part was hearing that a second temple will be dedicated in Provo. We are so excited!

After Conference we drove up to Park City. Visiting PC is our absolute favorite thing about living in Utah. We rode the chair lift to admire the mountains and changing trees. We had dinner, dessert and a fun car ride home laughing and chatting the entire way.

Our first fall weekend was absolutely perfect. We had so much fun with Mads and Nate. We are looking forward to many more beautiful fall weekends to come and hoping for more visitors!