...what you gonna do about it?!
So here is some good news...
Things have finally come together for old Shelbs (and by default Ryan too..).
First. I FINALLY got a job..
here! woo hoo! I am so excited. This is my first retail job, so it should bring learning and new experiences. This was such an answer to many nights of prayer! Like I said, I have absolutely zero retail experience and I interviewed against girls who have been working at the mall since they were 16. So, needless to say, we are extremely happy and feel super blessed to have employment between the two of us.
Second. I got accepted into the advertising program at BYU!
I have been awaiting the results of my application for a while now.. and I'm just so happy that the work and dedication I put in has paid off! I am so excited to start my classes this winter! Ryan has been so great throughout this whole process. He has been my support system, film crew, creative partner, and sign gluer. (haha) He believed in me every step of the way, and I couldn't have done it without him. Let's just say we are both extremely happy I don't have to apply again!
I can't believe these important milestones in my life came together all in the same week! We feel so happy and blessed.. Now that we've got it.. our goal is to keep doing what we were doing and stay grateful! I'm almost scared to be having such a great week, like somehow all this happiness is too good to be true? But then I remember it's not these big things that life so good.. it's all the little things we strive to do every day that bring blessings and happiness into our lives.
So keep on doing the little things! :)
Congrats on getting into the advertising program! That is a huge accomplishment! I know you will love it.