
01 April 2010

the time 8 Skousens went to Disneyland..

The Skousen clan invited Me&Ry to join them in California for spring break.

Let me tell you, it was amazing.

We had been so bogged down with school, work, and cold weather that it was perfect timing for us to get a little vacation.

However, I have begun to learn that a "vacation" with Skousens, will almost never leave a person feeling rested.  I love that this family is always on the go!  We hit every ride possible (and as many times in a row as possible), were the first ones in the park and last ones to leave.  They tuckered us out!!
We had 3 day park hopper passes, and we intended to use them.

Here are our favorite highlights of the trip..

The Tiki Room was a favorite memory.. not because we liked it.
(no offense to those who do, you know who you are)
Because we were called "rude" for leaving mid-show.
Even Rachel thought it was "stupid."
If only Ryan wouldn't have left his cell phone in there.....

Small world! I haven't been on this one forever.
Definitely couldn't get the song out of my head...

Riding Thunder Mountain over and over and over......

Spending time with my new sistasss

Ryan has a blast hangin' out with his family.
Quality time with pops and Rach waiting for Toy Story.

Everything at California Adventure..

Although I am soaking wet from the rapids ride, I love Ryan's face in this one..
He is actually that scared..
This was the only time we could get him to ride the "Maliboomer."

The big kids on Tower of Terror... I love this one!
I am so glad Ry rode with me because I was actually a little scared.. 

Saturday morning we were "special" enough to get into the park at 7:00 am.  Normally it doesn't open until 8:00.  We got a picture with the castle with absolutely no one else.. So cool!
If we look a little tired in this pic, it's because we are.

We ran straight for Space Mountain and the cameras captured this beauty.. 
I swear we are still laughing..

Toy Story round 2.. killed Ry!

Rach and I rode the tea cups together! Ryan watched from the sidelines..  He did not want to risk getting sick on this one!

One more ride on Screamin' before home..

There were so many churros, dole whips, laughs, inside jokes, and fun times that we had on this trip!  I am so excited to be a part of the Skousen family and I wish we could do trips like this all the time!

I think we slept for 2 days straight when we got home.. We've never been so tired! But it was so worth it.  

The Skousens definitely got everything we could out of Disneyland!
Thanks again for the fun trip! :)


  1. Ahh, it looks like you had a blast! I love Disneyland, it's always so much fun!

    P.S. I LOVE your header, so cute!

  2. Way too much fun!!! I'm so glad you guys had such a great time...guess we need to take Disneyland lessons from Mike. How in the world do you get in early and get a picture all alone in front of the castle like that? So Cool!
