
06 December 2010

Thanksgiving under the sun

Our Thanksgiving in Arizona was absolutely fabulous!

We were so lucky to have a good chunk of time off school and work!
It was just the break we needed.

It was so great to hang with the Skousen family.
This was our first Thanksgiving with them since we were married...
(Last year we stayed in Utah).
Truly, they are so amazing and we are so lucky to have such a great family!

This Thanksgiving we...

Jogged in the Turkey Trot

Had a delicious Thanksgiving dinner with the entire Skousen family

Took family pictures

Saw the cutest movie Tangled

Ate at many of our favorite places

Went shopping at Midnight Madness on Black Friday...
I scored some sweet deals at Gap!
(here we are, ready to run for the deals! ha!)

I went with all the Skousen girls to The Nutcracker ballet

Saw some old friends

Ryan golfed with his pops

Had dinner with Grandma Donna

Saw Katie give her farewell talk

and got a little sunshine on our skin!

It was so great to be around family
and think about the many things we have to be grateful for.
Thanks go out to the Skousens for making it such an incredible week.

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